Abortion Information
Maybe you're considering abortion after finding out about an unexpected pregnancy. There are two main types of abortion: surgical and medication abortion. Each works towards terminating an existing pregnancy through two very different procedures. Learn more today.
Emergency Contraception
Many people call it Plan B, and others call it “the morning-after pill." This over-the-counter drug is used to prevent an undesired pregnancy. It's important to note that Plan B does not terminate a pregnancy but prevents the body from beginning to develop pregnancy.
Sexual Health
Think you have an STD? Or maybe you think there is no way you could get one. But it's important to remember that if you or your partner have had other sexual partners, you are at risk for STDs. Statistics collected by MDH and Centers of Disease Control and Prevention share that 1 in 2 sexually active young people will get an STD by the age of 25.
For Friends
Where do you begin when trying to support a friend who is unexpectedly pregnant? You may be nervous to even try, as they may be in an unstable emotional state or confused about what's next. All you can do is try your best, and we are here to give you advice about where to begin.
When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, you have three pregnancy options to choose from: abortion, adoption, or parenting. You deserve to be informed about all three options. You may be surprised at what each entails and the risks. Ultimately, the decision is yours to make. You are not alone.