Are those closest to you pressuring you into an abortion decision as you face an unexpected pregnancy? If you’re feeling overwhelmed by friend’s and family’s opinions, it’s best to take time for yourself and create healthy boundaries. 

We at Pregnancy Help Center of Galveston provide a non pressuring and safe environment to learn about all your pregnancy options. You are not alone, and you don’t have to succumb to the stresses of those around you. You have the ability to make a confident pregnancy decision for yourself and your future.

Take a Breather

Sometimes, other’s emotions can get the best of them, and out of fear, they can try to control your pregnancy situation. It doesn’t make it okay, and you may need to take a breather from being around them. 

It’s important to take a moment to think for yourself after talking with certain friends and family pressuring you into abortion. Take time to process your emotions and find peace within yourself by:

  • Journaling about your situation
  • Alleviating stress with self-care (exercising, massage, etc.)
  • Spending time with a trusted friend
  • Watching your favorite show or movie

Find Someone You Can Trust

Don’t bear the weight of a pregnancy decision by yourself. It’s important to find someone you can confidently and safely confide in during an unexpected pregnancy. You deserve respect and kindness during this challenging time.

Talk about your options and ask tough questions to a friend or mentor you trust to gain clarity and feel heard. Confiding in someone is so important to understanding where your own heart is at and pinpointing what step you want to take next.

Learn About All Your Options

You have three pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Understanding them all for yourself is imperative when deciding on what’s right for you. Our team at Pregnancy Help Center of Galveston will help you work through all your pregnancy options questions and inform you about what each option may look like.

No-Cost & Confidential Pregnancy Services

Before deciding on what’s next for your pregnancy, be sure to confirm your pregnancy with lab-quality pregnancy testing and ultrasound to safeguard your health and be sure of your available options.
Schedule a free and confidential appointment to get started. We’re here to walk with you.